Wise was founded in 2001 by two important entrepreneurial minds: Gianni Peroni and Federico Scalogna. The two entrepreneurs, already established in the Fashion Jet Set, have combined passion and determination to give life to four Wise Boutique stores.
The Wise Fashion store is associated with THE BEST STORES Italian Chamber of Fashion Buyers thanks to the prestige and quality of the brands carried, research and attention to detail.
Taste, style and elegance are the key words that characterize all Wise Boutiques.
In each boutique you will find highly specialized figures who accompany customers in the choice of personalized outfits.

Cremona Via Mercatello

ADDRESSVia Mercatello, 19, 26100 Cremona CR

Cremona Corso Mazzini

ADDRESSCorso Giuseppe Mazzini, 71, 26100 Cremona CR

Desenzano del Garda

ADDRESSP.za Giuseppe Malvezzi, 27, 25015 Desenzano delGarda BS

Reggio Emilia

ADDRESSVia Emilia San Pietro, 1/L, 42121 Reggio Emilia RE